

Cookbook Recovery

Why purchase MasterCook 11? - Follow this link to learn what's new in MasterCook 11.

Reinstalling MasterCook - Follow this link to learn how to correct odd behavior in MasterCook. Does your program behave differently than expected? Did the web import toolbar suddenly quit working?

Adding Cookbooks to MasterCook - Follow this link to learn how to add cookbooks to your collection.

Importing Recipes - Follow this link to learn how to get your recipes into MasterCook 5 and above.

MasterCook Recipe Formatting 101 - Follow this link to learn tips on formatting recipes in preparation of sharing cookbook files with others.

A Recipe Makeover -- Follow this link to learn how one person was able to import their recipes from a Word Document file into MasterCook. Sometimes an example helps others. Perhaps this will help you.

The Import Assistant - Follow this link to learn how to use my favorite feature.

Edit Print Design (Index Cards) Edit Print Design (Index Cards) - Follow this link to learn how to edit a design. I created a new one to print single index cards on.

Adding New Ingredients - Follow this link to learn how to add new ingredients to the program.


 Pam's MasterCook Cupboard - Archived Tips and FAQs on using MasterCook. ALL versions covered!! Installation help, etc.

MasterCookDiscussion -- A YahooGroups forum. Come hang out with fellow users and learn some new tricks and tips.

MasterCook Support - Find the latest technical information on using MasterCook as produced by ValuSoft Cosmi.